
Every year thousands of people undergo surgery or have serious accidents leaving them with a scar tissue.

ScarWork™ also referred to as Scar Massage is a gentle non-invasive manual therapy where therapist is working directly on the scar and surrounding tissues.

Here are few examples when ScarWork is applicable – C-Section, knee replacement, hip replacement, open heart surgery, hysterectomy, oncology surgery (e.g. mastectomy), shoulder surgery, keyhole surgery, plastic surgery, burn scars, pinned fracture, bunion surgery, childhood injuries, etc.

Since every scar varies please contact therapist Rasa for a free consultation and treatment plan regarding your scar.

Benefits of Scar Massage:

  • Release tight scar tissue and adhesions
  • Stimulate optimum healing
  • Reduce discomfort, sensitivity and pain
  • Improve mobility and range of movement in the surrounding areas
  • Support emotional well-being

Scar massage is often recommended by surgeons as a way to promote optimum scar healing after surgery. For some people, their scar may leave them feeling tight or uncomfortable. Others may not notice any physical discomfort but could still benefit from this therapy as part of their rehabilitation, structural or soft tissue treatment. As well therapeutic touch can be a powerful way to aid emotional recovery and help to accept changes in their body after a surgery or accident.

Therapy is suitable for any scars from 8-10 weeks post injury/surgery if there are no healing complications (e.g. infection, swelling). If client’s treatment involved radiotherapy then it is advised to wait for 3-6 months and obtain consultant’s permission.

ScarWork treatment is £50/50min. Generally 4-8 sessions are recommended to achieve lasting results but it is worth mentioning that clients usually feel the benefits already after their first treatment with scar much softer, looser, also reduced pain and sensitivity.

C-Section scar – 6 months old
Duration – 4 x 30min sessions
Outcome – scar looks lighter, much more even and less dent, not so deeply cutting in the skin, some parts of the scar had totally dissolved into a healthy skin. Client also feels the surrounding area of the scar is much softer and not so roppy, there is no pulling/cutting-like sensation in the tissues.

2 Liposuction surgeries (internal scars)
Duration – 2 x 60min sessions
Outcome – significant visual improvement, client reports that abdomen feels much softer, less lumpy, treatment increased overall comfort of the abdominal area which was described as very tight, immobile during the consultation prior treatment.